Making Technology Affordable
Managed Service Provider For Small Medium Enterprise Corp
Call - 832-384-4MSP

IT Managed Services

Managed Service Team – Mostly in the background monitoring the health of your network infrastructure, computers and servers from a central console.  The core goal of this team is to help prevent disasters that may result in down time, drive down maintenance cost and reduce the need for regular onsite support.  They automate and monitor maintenance task, vulnerability and patch management of your computers and servers including backup success and failures.  

In collaboration with the account-project manager, actions including onsite dispatch are initiated immediately to remedy the problem before you or your staff is aware.  We have had cases where onsite engineer was dispatch 2 hours before start of business to correct connectivity issues.


Imagine the benefits of preventing downtimes 

that can disrupt your business.


Note: In cases where a customer is outside of our immediate coverage area, Alerts requiring onsite support are communicated to customers local IT Company or In-house IT Team.

IT Managed Service 

An Affordable Way To Managing and Securing 

Your Computers, Servers and Network

Four flexible packages to choose from.  Start small and add packages as necessary for maximum protection.  The packages are cummulative by design.

Did you know that up to 90% of computer problems are software related and can be resolved remotely? Non disruptive, faster than driving to site and cheaper.

Who Can Benefit From IT Managed Service:

Everyone with a stable always-on Internet anywhere in the world can benefit from Managed IT Service.  From the small business owner with no in-house IT Team to large Enterprise with hundreds of IT professionals can use managed IT service to accomplish the following:

  • Implement proactive and security best practices
  • Reduce IT downtime and operational cost
  • Protect your intellectual property from theft
  • Protect your systems from malicious attacks
  • Keep your business running secure and compliant
  • Fast resolution to issues via remote support
  • Use service to compliment in-house IT capabilities
  • Cut down on manual maintenance, vulnerability and security patch management
  • Use service to reduce cost of frequent local IT onsite support
  • Retain the services of local IT only for onsite support in areas outside of our coverage area. 
  • We can work with local IT or In-house IT directly including alerting or dispatching them when necessary with detailed instructions thereby cutting down on cost of troubleshooting

The Power of Monitoring & Automation Is Consistency.  
Think of the value and cost savings.

  • Most people fail to implement these recommended best practices because it is cost prohibitive tedious and time consuming to perform and monitor regularly as recommended.    
  • Realistically, how much resources, time and cost can your business afford to perform all these maintenance and security checks and mitigation each day, week or month?
  • Imagine the cost savings when you consider the hourly rate of a certified administrator, systems engineer, network engineer or security engineer?
  • Assuming the business could afford the resources, can you really rely on manual operation by human? chances are corners will be cut because it is a very tedious and time consuming task especially when required on many systems.  
To further understand these packages and benefits.  Select a package and click for details:

Click here to get started Now.  Request for a package or
30 days free trial "Monitoring Package".  No  obligation.  Easy setup