Making Technology Affordable
Managed Service Provider For Small Medium Enterprise Corp
Call - 832-384-4MSP

IT Services and Consulting

Managed Service Provider for Small Medium Enterprise Corp (MSP4SME Corp) is an IT Outsource Service Company that provides full or partial technical and management support of IT solutions including mitigating IT challenges and associated security and compliance risk so they don’t distract the business owner from focusing and growing their business and revenue.

IT Support Services

We provide support to new and existing networks.

Managed Service includes:  Automated proactive systems monitoring, 

Maintenance, vulnerability and patch management to keep your IT running clean, secure and compliant. 

Infrastructure Backbone Support includes: 

  • Managing the health, configuration and connectivity of your Router(S), Switches, Servers and Printers 
  • Active Directory user management and configuration management
  • In-house hosted mail server or working with a public or cloud hosted mail provider
  • Work with vendors on your behalf to manage In-house Database or cloud hosted data base and similar industry specific CRM and accounting programs used in running your business

End User Support: 

  • Provide Remote and On-site Support.  Note, where client is outside of our immediate onsite coverage, client is required to provide us with the information of reputable company of their choice or may request our assistance in sourcing for one
  • Provide end users operating systems and application support and configurations management including working your vendors on custom industry specific applications
  • Provide support to remote workers
  • Asset and Inventory Management:  Provide inventory OS and application software licenses, hardware inventory and configurations.  Assigned devices to users  

Infrastructure Consulting includes: 

  • Network, Voice and Audio cabling including entertainment systems in lobbies and waiting areas  
  • LAN WAN Network Design-Build
  • Multi Location Connectivity
  • Remote Worker Connectivity
  • Desktop and Server Deployment
  • Migration to Cloud Hosted Services
  • VMware and Hyper-V virtualization technologies
  • Desktop and Server Virtualization
  • Hardware and Software Procurement
Security Consulting Services:

  • Mail Protection and
  • Mail Continuity
  • Mail Archive
  • Backup Solutions
  • Desktop Security
  • Server Security
  • Mobile Device Security
  • Active Directory Server Security Best Practices,
  • Network Security
  • Security Surveillance Camera
  • Risk identification and Disaster Mitigation
  • Business Continuity planning and implementation
  • Redundant High Availability Options
  • End User Security Awareness Training
  • Cyber Attack Security Awareness Training
  • Security Compliance Implementation - HIPAA, PCI, SOX etc...
Web Design and Hosting

Domain Registration and Management
Hosted Email and Account Management
Professional Websites 
E-Commerce Websites
Website Optimization
Search Engine Submission
On-going Maintenance 

Management Services

  • Vendor Relationship Management
  • Project Management
  • Staff Augmentation
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)