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Managed Services - Monitoring Package

Proactive Systems Monitoring is having the power to foretell a disaster before it happens so you can prevent it and safe your company from unnecessary and costly downtime.
Have you imagined not having the fuel tank gauge or warning light, check engine light, check oil light or other disaster warning on your vehicle? 

MSP4SME Corp provides your business with the following types of monitoring to help mitigate software and hardware disasters associated with Mobile Devices, Workstations, Desktop, Laptops, Servers, Printers, Network, and Websites.  The objective is to quickly mitigate disruptions and keep your business running

Getting Started

  • You get a software agent installed on your computer.   
  • The software agent is sent via email or installed remotely by a technician.
  • The agent will perform 2 kinds of checks on your computer and send you an alert via email.
  • The 24x7 health check and the Daily Safety check will verify the safety and health of your computer.  
  • Other services are delivered through this agent.

    24x7 Checks
    ** Server Only
    • Bandwidth Monitoring**
    • Performance Monitoring**
    • Event Log
    • File Size
    • PING**
    • Disk Space 
    • Script
    • SNMP
    • TCP Service**
    • Web Page**
    • Windows Service
    • And a lot More Automated

    Daily Safety Checks
    ** Server Only
    • Antivirus Update
    • Backup
    • Critical Event
    • Drive Space Change
    • Event Log 
    • Exchange Store Size** 
    • File Size
    • Hacker Check
    • Physical Health Check
    • Script
    • SNMP*
    • WSUS**

    How do I Benefit From This?

    Monitoring is the foundation to proactive management.  Medicine before death and not medicine after death.
    • Provides a more comprehensive information about you systems health.
    •  No change to your current network, no software or hardware to buy.
    • Assets Management.  Good inventory asset description of systems hardware and software in your network
    • Builds a picture of your systems and security health of computing devices
    • Highlights Issues and threats early on before they become big issues and end up disrupting your day and huge repair cost including loss of productivity, staff pay etc..
    • It enhances your security 
    • Reduces downtime which could cost your business time and money
    • Reduces troubleshooting time which can be translated to cost savings on hourly rate of an onsite technician

    Get started now with!  MSP4SME Corp. Monitoring Package and it's benefits.  30 days Free Trial.  

    • Have you been thinking on cutting down on your IT maintenance Cost?
    • Have you been having constant IT headaches
    • Have you been losing time, productivity and arguing with your IT guys invoice?
    • Give yourself and your business a fighting chance to take control.  
    • Remember you get automated reports that lets you know you have a problem. 
    • NOTE:  You don't have to fire your IT guys or in house IT department rather, the generated alerts and reports can be used to better serve your business and help transition delivery of IT services from "Reactive to Proactive".  You may also find out that it is more cost effective to outsource your IT to MSP4SME Corp. after trying our other packages.  The choice is absolutely yours.  Start small and build additional protection and cost savings for your business.

      Get Started now with 30 days Free Trial.

      Click here to get started Now.  Request for a package or
      30 days free trial "Monitoring Package".  No  obligation.  Easy setup