Managed Service Provider For Small Medium Enterprise Corp
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Internet Protection
Cloud Managed Internet Protection
Automatically and intelligently applied security layer to protect servers, workstations and laptops within and outside your network when surfing the internet.
Blocks large database of websites identified as pushing malware, phishing sites, proxies, spyware, adware, botnets and more.
Cloud based and centrally managed. No dedicated server and no proxies to purchase and configure.
Control web browsing across distributed workforce. Not proxy dependent, so policy continues to protect corporate laptops on the move and outside of corporate network
Blocks Malicious URLs to keep users safe, reduces risk of security breach and legal liability
Content filtering across 80+ website categories helps keep your users safe and productive
Bandwidth monitoring, internet usage and threshold breached alerts.
Increased productivity - apply time-based browsing and web content filtering to reduce non-work related web browsing e.g. social networking , viewing videos, researching travel, auctions, games and more.
Available reports to analyse usuage, trends, blocked attacks, bandwidth and more.