Keep My Business Running With Less Downtime?
Business Continuity After a Disaster?
Improve Efficiency and Productivity?
Protect My Business From Security Breaches?
Protect Staff and Business from Liability?
Cut Cost without Compromising Security and Compliance Requirement?
- Are you prepared for downtime?
- How would your business cope without your workstations, Email, Server and Internet?
- What if you couldn't access important emails or files?
- What if your staff fell victim to social engineering tactics. What will it cost your business?
- How much unproductive time do your staff spend surfing the internet and social websites and getting paid?
- How much is the time spent on cleaning junk emails really costing your business?
- Is your business mandated by any of the compliance requirements such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX and more? If so, can pass an audit today?
- What will it cost your business if personal data or critical intellectual property is breached?
- If your company experienced a security breach today, are you ready to report your company to "the hall of shame" as mandated by HIPAA. Can your business really survive it?
- If required, can your business produce an email record for a given period of time and how much time will it take? How many resources will be involved? How about if you don't have the records but thought all along you had it? Assuming it was not a mandated compliance requirement that have just been violated, perhaps such records stood in the way of winning a million dollar litigation against your company.
- Is your email communication secure or compliant?
These are serious questions that cannot be ignored. You could lose sales, customers confidence, time and money. You could loose your business.
Medicine after death or medicine before death, choose one.